Stronger Athletes
Last Name: |
First Name: |
begin with 4-Way Manual Neck (Football, Wrestling, Lacrosse)
Exercise ROW A
Rep Range |
Date: |
Body Weight: |
12-15 |
Leg Extension |
8-10 |
Leg |
8-10 |
Leg Adductor |
8-10 |
Leg Abductor |
8-10 |
Calf Raise |
12-15 |
Exercise ROW B
Rep Range |
Bench Press
8-12 |
Shoulder Press |
8-10 |
Lateral Raise |
8-10 |
Dips |
8-12 |
Triceps Extension |
8-12 |
Wrist Curls |
Exercise ROW C
Rep Range |
Dead Lift
15-20 |
Seated Row |
8-10 |
Rev-Grip Pulldown |
8-10 |
Shrugs |
8-12 |
Glute-ham Raise |
8-10 |
Bicep Curl |
8-10 |
Partner Sign |
Grade: |
got strength?
1) Train with a high level of intensity.
is not yelling loud, rather it is the ability to train past your comfort zone.
2) Attempt to increase the resistance used or repetitions
performed every workout.
is the application of the Overload Principle. The muscled must be challenged
gradually in order to grow.
3) Ideally, perform one set of each movement to the point
of muscular exhaustion.
athletes may need to perform 2-3 sets until they are comfortable with the
movement and understand the use of proper intensity.
4) Reach concentric muscular failure within a prescribed
number of repetitions.
you reach failure below the range the weight is too heavy, and potentially
dangerous, it should be lowered on the next workout. If you reach failure above
the rep range the weight is too light and you should gradually increase the
resistance on the next workout.
5) Perform each repetition with proper technique.
workout is only as good as each individual repetition. For maximum muscle-fiber
recruitment and safety you should use a slow and controlled rep speed. We
recommend a 2-second concentric movement (raising) and 4-second eccentric
movement (lowering).
6) Strength train for no more than one hour per workout.
find it counter productive to train with high levels of intensity for over 60
7) Strength train 2-3 times per week on non-consecutive
keep the body fresh and to avoid overtraining you should take time to recover.
As long as your strength continues to increase your rest is adequate. Should
your strength plateau or slip you may need additional rest not additional work.
8) Keep accurate records of performance.
is the only way we can determine your gains in strength. This also is how
coaches can help you individualize the workout for you, as no two athletes are
exactly alike.
9) Safety above all things.
are in the weight room to supplement your athletic skills with strength training.
We do not want to risk an injury preparing for our sports. Non-athletes also do
not want to risk injury in the attempt to improve their overall heath. Rule of
thumb: If a movement is too fast or unorthodox do not perform it!
10) To gain weight, consume more calories, to lose weight
consume less.
the calories you put into your body should be healthy ones and the calories you
cut from your diet should be done gradually. If you are serious about this
concept please see Coach K for safe tips on weight gain and loss.
***No Liability is assumed for any information written on the website. No medical advice is given on exercise. This advice should be obtained from a licensed health-care practitioner. Before anyone begins any exercise program, always consult your doctor. The articles are written by coaches that are giving advice on a safe, productive, and efficient method of strength training.***
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