Sunday, December 8, 2002

Year One In Review

 "Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be.." -Robert Browning
This week marks the anniversary of our first posting. It has been an awesome experience getting to know many of our readers and learning as much as we have along the way. From the feedback we receive from many of you we feel that this website serves a unique role. We try to present coaches with a sound strength training philosophy and then convince them of why it is sound in a manner that is mature and professional. Many times this past year we have posted the opinions of those who may disagree with our stance on training always giving them their due while at the same time explaining our position. We think this has been productive and useful for many strength coaches who are seeking answers as the develop their own training philosophies.

We feel that our posts fall into one of three categories: Philosophy Fundamentals where we outline what exactly we believe to be elements of safe, productive, and efficient training methods; Olympic Lifting Debate where we continue to answer questions and restate our fundamentals of why we believe these movements are unnecessary for training traditional sport athletes; and Various Reports, Biographies, Announcements I guess this is a catch all. We had our Mystery Guest feature for a while, and we reported on clinics we attended as well as information passed on to us from other readers.

Here is our Top 10 List of our favorite posts from the past year. These represent what we believe to be examples of why we have had so much success over the past 12 months

  • #10: Expressing Power vs Developing Power Who knows how many times we have had to explain this. This is a fundamental cornerstone to how we train our athletes.

  • #9: Father Lange A wonderful snapshot at the history of training.

  • #8: Transfer or Not to Transfer We take a close look at the Prinicple of Specificity.

  • #7: Dr. James Peterson We heard him speak in March. This man has much to give those who will listen.

  • #6: What is Productive & Efficient Training This outlines what we believe many strength coaches overlook... too much time spent in the weight room.

  • #5: Swiss Ball: The Super Tool We really like this one. Stick-Man makes another appearance and we really like Stick-Man.

  • #4: Creatine We felt it was time for others to take a sincere look at what many of today's athletes are putting into their bodies.

  • #3: Risk is Real We think this letter from a reader says a lot about the power strength coaches have and the responsibility that goes with the job.

  • #2: Science & Strength Research A reader wanted a list of where he could find articles that support our philosophies.

  • #1: Potential Injuries Here is where Stick-Man makes his first apperance! Safety... We will maintain that this is the number one responsibility of the strength coach in the weight room.

Thanks to those who have been with us from the beginning as well as those who have discovered us recently. We hope to continue to grow as a website and grow as coaches. Both of which could not be done without your help.

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The Elephant in the Room

 If you read articles from past "great" lifters, bodybuilders, strongmen, etc....  That is good because there is a lot of general ...